SeaPort Festival

Found a new attraction – the SeaPort Festival at the Port of Portland. The check-in process was a bit complex with liability forms and security checks, but the Port rivaled Disney in efficient movement of crowds. Very impressive.

Once there, it was obviously geared to children a bit younger than Jasmine, still we got to see glass blowing, and Jasmine made flour while riding a bike. Yes, real flour from wheat berries. There was also art galleries inside large shipping containers. Check out the rooster portrait. Pretty cool. The shoreline view was as lovely as the weather.

Dancin’ in the Washington Park

This week was the Washington Park Summer Festival. I finished up work early today to head to the park with Jasmine. We scouted out the amphitheater, it was already filling up even one and half hours before showtime. But we still had time to browse the Rose Garden and recreate at the big playground down the hill.

We strategically set up camp center stage and enjoyed the DJ bali hits blasting from the speakers while watching the dancers warm up. They are certainly quick flexible and strong – one guy did a head stand literally with only head and shoulders – his hands and arms were pointing skyward.

This was our first time seeing the troupe NW Dance Project. And there was also a banjo musician thrown in for good measure. Gotta love Portland.

Trek in the Park – Trouble with Tribbles

Yeah. Another summer and another Trek in the Park. This time showcasing the Trouble with Tribbles. A big crowd as usual. Not as hot as last year, but still pretty warm. Good thing we weren’t on stage with all those fuzzy tribbles.