I went on an Oregon history themed field trip with Jasmine’s class. We spent the day at the Oregon Historical Museum and the Wells Fargo “museum”. (It’s their lobby with displays from the old west.) The Oregon historical museum was my fav. There were lots of wagon artifacts and interesting historical factoids. The presenter passed around various oddities and had us guess their purpose – candle mold, coffee grinder, hair straightener (!).
Wells Fargo did an economy exercise and the benefits of banking – boring. Only at the end did he talk about the stagecoach – which is what we really were interested in. I believe he said 9-12 people actually rode in the thing – 2-3 in the front seat; 6 inside the carriage; 3 on top somehow holding on; it sounded like they didn’t have many bathroom breaks – and it was very dusty.
They handed out a copy of an actual ticket which included on the back some suggestions while traveling. “It is better to stay inside the coach should it get loose rather than making a jump for it.” “Spit with the wind, not against it”. “Don’t snore loudly while sleeping or use your fellow passenger’s shoulder for a pillow; he or she may not understand and friction may result.” And my favorite “Avoid such topics as politics and religion.” Just like traveling coach today.
Oh – the first picture below – is Jasmine trying to do her morning math exercise in the classroom before the field trip.