Take us out to the ball game

What can be better on a sunny Sunday than a day at the ball park? Jasmine and I took our friends Lisa and Andrew to see the Oregon Beavers (our local minor league baseball team) play. We enjoyed hotdogs and kettle corn and cotton candy. Although the Beaver’s lost 2 to 4, it was a great day and Jasmine chanted “Let’s go Beavers, lets go!” all the way home.

Out on the Town

After the exciting gymnastic’s class we went out to lunch at my favorite Pho restaurant. I had a giant bowl of beef pho which after much effort I was able to finish. Emily had some yummy spring rolls. And Jasmine, who had lunch earlier, did some coloring and exploring under the table for dropped cranyons.

Then we went to Trader Joes to get some groceries, including their wonderful pickles which are… wait for it… only 0 calories and just so tasty.  We tend to run out pickles quickly since Jasmine loves them.

Easter Treats

Hurray for Easter treats of chocolate, jelly beans, and more chocolate.  Jasmine got us up at 6:05 am saying she was so excited to search for Easter eggs.  We headed downstairs, and after a gleeful shout about the baskets, she began a hard target search in our living room for those egss. We’re pretty sure she found all of them, but you never can tell. I just made a trip to the fridge and saw an unclaimed egg on the second shelf.